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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Nelson Dec 2017

Nelson Dec 2017

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Dear friends and family,

As we enter a season of anticipation remembering the birth of Jesus, we are thankful for the many kindnesses God has shown us as we do the work He has prepared for us here.

Faithfulness, as you know, is one of the Fruit of the Spirit named in Galatians 5, and now it is the name of one of our residences for younger boys. In the sixteen year history of this Village, the residences had not been named. Now they are! Each cottage bears the name of a Fruit of the Spirit. Also, our house of twenty of our teenage boys is now dubbed the Perseverance House. Please join us in praying that all our young people will be filled and overflowing with these precious Fruits of the Spirit and godly attributes!

Situated across a brick path from the Fruit of the Spirit houses are our primary and preprimary schools. Inside, dozens of children, both day students and resident students, are receiving a wonderfully vibrant education. At the end of term three, twenty-two of our ninety Rafiki resident young people had earned all A’s and B’s on their report cards. It was with much thankfulness and joy that the group travelled to a hotel pool for a day of swimming as a reward for their hard work. What fun it was to swim with them, play with them, and show them how to kick and float. A couple of our youngest children even started swimming for real for the first time that day! Please join us in thanking God for the wonderful schools, teachers, and Rafiki curriculum He has provided at our school. Also, please pray that we will have many more students excelling in their schoolwork and taking full advantage of this wonderful education. (We’d love to take two groups of twenty-two next term break!)

Over the term break, the GAMES theme was The Fathers of the Faith and the Persecuted Church. It broadened the children’s perspective to imagine worshipping at a “secret church” which had to be approached by a different path each day. The leader of the music station, one of our oldest resident girls, challenged all five teams to compose their own song and perform it at a program on the last night of GAMES. She also asked them to research a favorite composer to present. It was a blessing all week to hear the buzz around the Village as teams diligently worked on writing and perfecting their songs and their composer reports. A love of learning is often cited as a fruit of a classical education. We were witness to that as our young people wrote wonderful songs of God’s love and faithfulness and presented their reports with skill. Inspired by one of their peers and not a requirement of the adults, we were witness to their love of learning and growing leadership abilities. Please join us in thanking God for a wonderfully gifted group of young people in our care here at Rafiki Village Ghana! Also, please pray that our young people would always pursue learning with the same enthusiasm they put into their GAMES performance.

Meet some of your bright young ladies who are enjoying the pool.

Musical Group
One of our dynamic Rafiki musical groups who had performed their original song at the final program.

Our family is thankful for the work God has given us here. We are thankful for our co-workers in this endeavor. And we are thankful for the strong support we have from our beloved family and friends. God is working through your prayers and generosity as He accomplishes His plans in the lives of the children and employees here at this Village. Please join us in praying that Rafiki Village Ghana will be a light on
a hill!

Andrea put in a little time pounding fufu. It was entertaining for bystanders.

Over break we pounded fufu using cassavas which were grown at the Village. Here, some young ladies are learning proper peeling technique.