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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Richards December 2023

“For to us a child is born,… the government shall be upon his shoulder… from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this” (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Happy Christmas from your missionaries and Malawi family at Rafiki Village! As we enter the very special season of Advent, we see the amazing beauty of God’s creation here, as the early rains cause a riot of blooming tropical flowers of all types: visual testimony to the wonder of the Creator and the best of all Christmas season decorations.

While we hope to slow down a little to enjoy the holidays and focus on the gift of Jesus’ incarnation, the lead-up has been anything but leisurely. Recently, we had the privilege of traveling to Uganda to attend the Rafiki sponsored “The New Old Way” conference. This meeting brought together U.S. and African leaders in classical Christian education (CCE) for a time of enrichment, equipping, and fellowship. Our three head teachers and Maureen’s RICE (Rafiki Teachers’ College) Dean assistant accompanied our missionary team; and we celebrated with them as they exhilarated in the experience of international air travel, the metropolis of Kampala, and meeting face to face the likes of the Vice President of the Association of Classical Christian Schools, Dr. Tim Dernlan, and others. We all benefited greatly in sharing ideas with the other 200+ attendees, and enjoying sessions of interest to CCE educators. The CCE movement is alive and growing in Africa and across the world, and it is a blessing to have a part in it.

Malawi Head Teacher Emmanuel speaking at The New Old Way conference in Uganda

RICE Dean Assistant Gift leading CCE conference worship

The New Old Way Conference in Uganda attendees

As we labor to bring CCE to life in our college and school, we held a “Calling Day” or vocational career day for our students. We invited local professionals to testify to God’s calling on their lives and give our students a vision for how they may serve the Lord and attune their spiritual ears to hear when and how God will reveal to them His purpose for their lives.

Medical professionals demonstrate equipment to our kids on Calling Day

We also hosted the kiddos from a nearby orphanage for an afternoon “play date” with our residents. Because of the generosity of Rafiki donors, these children were able to enjoy the games, sports equipment, and facilities with which our residents are blessed. The delight and smiles were infectious, as Miss Anna testifies while engaged in a vicious duel of Battleship!

The Richards also traveled for several days to the capital, meeting with various government ministries as we press our case for accreditation of our RICE teachers’ college as a campus of the University of Livingstonia (UNILIA). The picture below shows our Rafiki contingent as well as UNILIA partners meeting with the Ministry of Gender, Community Development, and Social Welfare. They were excited by the prospect of Malawi having a Christ-centered early education curricula, and gave us the “thumbs-up.” Please pray as we prepare to meet with the National Council for Higher Education as the next step on this accreditation journey for our teachers’ college. We have learned that not all government officials are enthused about granting approval for biblically-based and Christ-centered programs.

Termites are a plague upon our Village! They create concrete-like mounds that spring up from the ground, growing as fast as bamboo. They threaten to engulf our buildings and infrastructure, and create vast underground tunnels and chambers. We have tried poisoning, drowning, and burning them out, with limited success. The only way to eliminate them permanently, we have found, is to dig down deep to find and kill the queen that lies at the bottom of each colony. So as our residents commit significant infractions—as do most young people on their journeys of sanctification—they are assigned to dig the mounds and find the queen. One resident dug for two weeks to find his queen. Others score within a day. Maureen, of course, uses these opportunities to teach our young people about the nature of sin and Biblical truth using a plethora of termite metaphors and similes. The applications are almost limitless! Pictured here is a young man who is ecstatic to finally conquer his “queen”—while experiencing repentance, forgiveness, and restoration. Glory to God!

The zealous work of the Lord of Hosts goes on! The fruit continues to blossom, mature, and grow fat and ripe with Goodness, Truth, and Beauty—the core principles of CCE. Thank you for praying for and partnering with us. May your Advent season of worship of Baby Jesus the coming King of Kings be as rich as ours. Do not forget the precious little ones here in Malawi who will be singing “Away in a Manger” in unity of hearts with yours, from half a world away, as they hear—some for the first time—that For Unto Us a Child is Born !

Prayer Requests

  • That every one of our children will embrace the love of Christ and be placed permanently in the palm of His hand.
  • For new missionary May Nealey, that the Lord will provide full funding and that she will join us soon.
  • For the Lord’s favor in gaining government accreditation of our teachers’ college.

Blessings upon Blessings—Soli Deo gloria!

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